Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook

The Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) updates the economic and fiscal outlook from the previous Budget.

Clause 14 of the Charter of Budget Honesty requires the release of a MYEFO each year by the end of January, or 6 months after the last Budget, whichever is later.

As well as updating the economic and fiscal outlook, the MYEFO takes account of all decisions made since the release of the Budget which affect payments and receipts and hence revises the budget aggregates. An appendix to MYEFO summarises all policy decisions taken since the Budget.

Publication/Part DOCX download PDF download
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2024–25   6.59MB
Preliminaries 101KB 288KB
Part 1: Overview 461KB 500KB
Part 2: Economic Outlook 356KB 430KB
Part 3: Fiscal Strategy and Outlook 393KB 755KB
Part 4: Debt Statement 187KB 398KB
Part 5: Sensitivity Analysis 154KB 233KB
Part 6: Statement of Risks 260KB 497KB
Part 7: Australian Government Budget Financial Statements 197KB 767KB
Appendix A: Policy decisions taken since the 2024–25 Budget 488KB 1.29MB
Appendix B: Supplementary Expenses Table and the Contingency Reserve 163KB 242KB
Appendix C: Australia’s Federal Financial Relations 212KB 484KB
Appendix C: Annex A – Payments to the states (online only) 588KB 2.38MB
Appendix D: Tax Expenditures 141KB 229KB
Appendix E: Historical Australian Government Data 262KB 678KB
Notes 130KB 143KB
Chart data (XLSX) ZIP 75KB