Legal notices

This website is managed by the Department of the Treasury.


The Department of the Treasury encourages the dissemination and exchange of information provided on this website.

The Commonwealth owns the copyright in all material produced by this department.

All material presented on this website is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence, with the exception of:

  • the Commonwealth Coat of Arms
  • the Budget logo
  • content supplied by third parties.

The details of the relevant licence conditions are available on the Creative Commons website, as is the full legal code for the CC BY 4.0 license.

CC [Creative Commons] BY attribution logo


Material obtained from this website is to be attributed to this department as:
© Commonwealth of Australia

Third party copyright

Wherever a third party holds copyright in material presented on this website, the copyright remains with that party. Their permission may be required to use the material.

This department has made all reasonable efforts to:

  • clearly label material where the copyright is owned by a third party
  • ensure that the copyright owner has consented to this material being presented on this website.

Use of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms

The terms of use for the Coat of Arms are available from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.


The material on this website is provided for general information only, and on the understanding that the Australian Government is not providing professional advice on a particular matter.

The material may include the views or recommendations of third parties, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government, or indicate a commitment to a particular course of action.

This website contains information that is intended to simplify the law for ease of comprehension. In addition, errors or omissions can occur in the preparation of web pages. Therefore, before relying on the material, users should independently verify its accuracy, completeness, relevance for their purposes and that it is up-to-date.

Before any action or decision is taken on the basis of any material on this website the user should obtain appropriate independent professional advice.

Links to other websites are provided for the user's convenience and do not constitute endorsement of material at those sites, or any associated organisation, product or service.


The Treasury is subject to the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) which requires that the Treasury comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) as set out in the Privacy Act.

The APPs regulate the Treasury’s obligations in relation to the collection, storage, use, disclosure, quality and security of personal information and access and correction rights of individuals in relation to their personal information.

The Treasury’s information handling practices are outlined in its Privacy policy. This document sets out all of the information required by APP 1.4 of the Privacy Act and outlines how an individual may seek access or correction to their personal information or make a complaint about how the Treasury has handled their personal information.

To read the policy, visit the Department of the Treasury's Privacy policy.